Unveiling Your Purpose: Reflective Questions for Meaningful and Impactful Living

Hello, How are you today?

In a world brewing with endless choices and constant changes, finding and embracing a sense of purpose can be a game-changer. But why is purpose so important? What makes it central to a fulfilling life? When I think of purpose, I think about the reason for existence. I think about the dreams, desires, gifts, and activities that are in my heart that I can’t stop thinking about. I think about what makes me feel alive, something I cannot live without. That is purpose to me. Take a moment to think about what purpose means to you.

King David in Psalm 57:2 declares, “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” God in Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Purpose is God’s idea, as shown in Isaiah 43:7: “Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” Your purpose is to first and foremost glorify God with every dream, idea, and gift that He has placed inside of you. The ideas you have come from God. When people ask me where I get the ideas for my blog posts, I always say they just came to me. These are ideas planted by God within me to impact everyone who comes across each post.

What Is Purpose?

  • Why you do something or why something exists – definition by Cambridge Dictionary
  • The purpose of something is the reason for which it is made or done – definition by Collins Dictionary
  • In a way that is planned or intended: in a deliberate way – definition by Britannica
  • The reason why something is done or used: the aim or intention of something – definition by Britannica

Guidance and Direction

Purpose acts as a compass, guiding you through the challenges of life. It helps you set goals, make decisions, and stay grounded. When you have a clear sense of purpose, you know where you’re headed and why, which can prevent you from drifting aimlessly or getting easily distracted. This sense of direction is essential not just in personal life but also in professional settings, where purpose-driven individuals are often more productive.

Resilience and Perseverance

Life is filled with challenges and setbacks. A strong sense of purpose provides the resilience needed to overcome these obstacles. When you have a clear “why,” the “how” becomes easier to navigate, even in the face of challenges. Purpose fuels perseverance, enabling you to keep pushing forward when times get tough, knowing that your efforts are aligned with a greater mission.

Connection and Contribution

Purpose connects you to something larger than yourself, whether it’s a community, a cause, or a vision. This connection fosters a sense of belonging and significance. By contributing to something meaningful, you not only enrich your own life but also positively impact others. This symbiotic relationship amplifies the sense of purpose, creating a virtuous cycle of giving and receiving.


Since 2023, I have been praying to God, “Lord, reveal my purpose.” I have read books on purpose, listened to sermons, and studied scripture on purpose. Yet for some reason, I couldn’t hear God speak on this. I kept praying, studying, and pursuing the question of what is my purpose. Last month (April), I attended a prophetic prayer meeting hosted by a friend, an amazing woman of God. During this meeting, she had a prophetic word for me. She said God is bringing to fruition the answer to my prayer. She asked me to talk to her later on after the meeting, but I forgot to get back to her.

Early this month, she reminded me about the prophetic word and how we were to talk. I informed her that I forgot to write it down or set an alarm. If I don’t write it down, I usually forget. I asked her if she was available, and she affirmed her availability. We got onto a phone call, and I began to share with her what was on my heart, my childhood and present dreams, my gifts, and the things I cannot stop thinking about. I told her about how I have been praying about purpose for a year, and I am not sure whether the dreams and gifts I have are my purpose. She asked me a few questions. I answered yes to all the questions, and she said, “There you have it. That’s your purpose.” I was like, “Wow, that was fast.” Deep down, I knew that was my purpose, yet I felt like I needed confirmation backed by God.

I would like to encourage you to keep seeking and pursuing purpose. Pray, study, read, discover, and listen to everything that connects with purpose, and in due season, you will gain clarity and focus on your ‘why.’

Here are the questions she asked. Let’s give an example: Let’s say writing is my purpose.

  1. Does writing come naturally to you?
  2. Can you imagine living your life without writing?
  3. Can you write without being paid?
  4. Do you use writing to impact people?
  5. Does writing make you feel valuable?


If you answer yes to these questions, congratulations! You have discovered your purpose. It’s now time to live out your purpose through the word and prayer for the glory and kingdom of the Almighty God.

Discovering Purpose

  1. What are the deepest desires of your heart?
  2. What makes you feel significant and valuable?
  3. What have you always felt a strong inner urge to do, even if you haven’t pursued it yet?

Understanding Your Vision

  1. What do you envision yourself doing that you believe will positively impact others?
  2. If you could accomplish one thing in your lifetime that would make a difference in the world, what would it be?
  3. What are the dreams and aspirations that you often think about but haven’t acted upon?

Recognizing Passion and Enthusiasm

  1. What activities or subjects ignite a passion within you?
  2. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
  3. When do you feel most enthusiastic and energized?

Aligning with Your Purpose

  1. How does your current lifestyle align with your sense of purpose?
  2. What changes can you make to better align your life with your purpose?
  3. What steps can you take today to start living out your purpose more fully?

These questions are reflective of Dr. Myles Munroe’s teachings that discovering one’s purpose is essential for living a meaningful and impactful life.

Finding and embracing your purpose is not a one-time event but a continuous journey. It evolves as you grow and as your circumstances change. However, the effort to discover and live your purpose is immensely rewarding. It guides you, builds resilience, brings fulfillment, fosters connection, and provides clarity. In essence, purpose is the guiding star that Almighty God uses to illuminate the path to a meaningful and impactful life. So, take time to reflect on what truly matters to you. Explore your passions, values, and strengths. Seek ways to align your daily actions with your deeper aspirations. Remember, a life with purpose is a life well-lived.

Stay Blessed & Inspired,

Anne Rita Kiconco.

Published by Anne Rita Kiconco

Write Grace Is A Platform For Writing Inspiration and Motivational Pieces to Encourage You Take Care of Your Body, Soul & Mind. Make Your Health & Wellness A Priority.

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